恩智浦DFN 封装场效三极管产品组合 (2x2mm,1x1mm) 介绍及应用 2013-12-17 10:00:00
  • Q这种1X0.6mm的封装已经用到哪些产品了吗?效果如何?

    AIt is popular used in portable deice application and get positive feedback.

  • Q为什么NXP认为引脚封装会被DFN取代?

    ADFN package provide the smaller package with higher power density.Since the portable device , the slim design is the trend now. DFN package help designer to achieve the slim design.

  • Q未来器件封装发展的趋势是什么?

    Aleadless , smaller package with higher power density is the trend in the future.  

  • Q在带引脚封装到DFN封装的转换中,NXP做了哪些改变?

    ANXP improvment the solder side pad let the robust soldering and easy chceking the soldering quality.