恩智浦DFN 封装场效三极管产品组合 (2x2mm,1x1mm) 介绍及应用 2013-12-17 10:00:00
  • Q二极管的反向漏电能抵消用电器上的漏电流吗?

    AIt is depends on the design spec  , the body diode inside the mosfet also has the leakaeg current so far.

  • QIC集成能否取代分立式MOSFET?

    Ait is depends on the function bcs the mosfet will get the heat , the heat will impact the IC performance. the switching performance is another concern.

  • Q在散热问题上,请问你们是如何解决的?

    Athe bigger pad size will help the heat dissipate.

  • QPMPB11EN的详细指标在哪里

    APMPB11EN provide the lower Rds(on) with around 11mOhm

  • Q如何在节省pcb空间的同时确保散热?

    Athe pad in bottum side will help the heat go through the pcb to get the higher power dissipation capability for this device.

  • Q如何下载相关的技术资料?

    Apls go thorugh below website.

  • Q这种超小型MOSFET封装主要用在哪些方面?

    AIt is used in portable device application.

  • Qdfn1010、dfn2020、dfn1006应用上有何区别?

    ADFN2020 provide the higher power dissipation capability DFN1010 size is 1.0*1.0 DFN202 size is 2.0*2.0 DFN1006 size is 1.0*0.6

  • Qdfn1010封装晶体管功率耗散、电压范围是多少?

    Athe DFN1010 power dissipation capability is up to 1w

  • Q产品都已经上市了吗?

    Awhole the DFN2020 , DFN1010 and DFN1006 device alreday released in this market

  • Q带引脚封装会全部被无引脚封装取代?

    Ait depends on the design , for portable device , the DFN package is the trend in the future.

  • Q在4层pcb电路板上时,散热性能与smd封装相比如何?

    Athe more pad size will help to dissipate the heat , the more pcb layers would aslo help to dissipate the heat

  • Q小信号MOSFET有无引脚封装吗?

    Ayes , we provide the DFN1006 package for small signal  switch application.

  • Q封装尺寸还会向更小的方向发展吗?

    Asince the end product "slim" and "light" design is the trend in the future , the compoenet is also become more and more smaller.

  • QNXP的DNF产品较其他厂商产品有什么优势?

    ANXP DFN package provide the solder side pad to get the higher solderability and easy checking the soldering quality.

  • Q元器件应用的时候是否需要更多关注元器件的散热?

    Athe thermal perfromacne is very important for such kind of device and design.

  • Q恩智浦都有哪些产品?

    ANXP standard product provide the transistor , diode , mosfet and ESD protection device.

  • QNXP这种超小型MOSFET封装有哪些优势?

    Aprovide the smaller package size but higher power dissipation capability.

  • Q这种封装适用的温度范围是多少?

    AThe Tj (max) is 150deC.

  • Q还有哪些厂商做超小型的封装吗?这是一种趋势吗?

    AThere are more and more vendors provide such package in this market , it is the design trend in the fututre.