正确完成模块化DC-DC系统设计 2020-09-25 10:30:00
  • Q你好这种模块化设计效率有多高

    A 具体数据要看输入输出规格。可以根据选型规格在Vicor官网选型查询或咨询技术支持工程师。隔离稳压模块DCM5614最高96%。总线变换模块BCM产品最高98%。请参考。

  • Q请问这种高度集成的,散热是怎么处理的

    ABy heatsinking. Both heatsink and PCB layout should be well considered for heatsinking capability.

  • Q我想问一下,有时候DC-DC输出电压波纹过大,这个应该如何改善呢?

    AMake sure you have local bypassing to reduce both differential and common mode high frequency noises and the circuit loops are small enough. Check whether there is unexpected parasitic coupling on PCB layout. Add further output filter.

  • QDC-DC模块化系统设计 与 非模块化,那些参数比非模块化差.

    AIt is needed to be more specific to do apple-to-apply comparsion. You can have non-moduler converter performaning very good too (but generally at the expense of larger size).

  • QVICOR的模块化DC/DC有什么重要特点?

    A 高效率,高功率密度,高可靠性。方便系统设计。

  • Q大功率和小功率的DC/DC电源模块在设计中有什么不同吗?要考虑的重点有什么区别?

    A 从应用设计上看,大功率系统散热会负载些。同时,做保护也更复杂些。

  • Q请问这种电源能过那些认证啦

    AGenerally if the question is about a modular converter itself, then probably the most important certification is the safety one. For meeting other many EMI and transient/surge, etc requirements, it will heavily depend on your external filtering scheme. The converter itself can almost meet nothing.

  • Q除了直播,Vicor还有其他电源设计视频吗?从哪里可以看到?

    A 可以到Vicor官网。有很多设计文档资源和视频资源参考。

  • Q对于模块化设计都是低压段么


  • Q模块化开关电源的噪声,如何尽量减少?

    A Vicor产品使用ZVS和ZCS技术,从源上减少了开关噪声。同时,系统设计要考虑差模和共模噪声的滤除,PCB layout要处理好噪声路径。

  • Q这样降低系统板上的模块化设计的电源的总尺寸?模块化电源之间的间隔和方向要遵循什么规格避免干扰?

    AYes, each converter is a noise source. When placing converters adjacent to each other, the possible noise coulping between them would need to be cautious. How to separate the nosie? There is no single answer for all.

  • QDC-DC电源一般的隔离电压是多少?

    A CHIP封装的产品隔离电压从2121VDC-4242VDC不等,具体看封装形式。

  • Q请问输出电解是怎么选的

    A请 参考具体产品的规格书说明。一般会给出最大最小范围。同时,要考虑温升,寿命,动态负载等条件。