简化蓝牙5 的产品设计 2018-11-28 10:00:00
  • QSilicon Labs 的 Wireless Xpress蓝牙 模块主要是优点是什么了?

    A 关于Bluetooth Xpress模块的功能特点,请参考我们官网的相应产品网页: 

  • QSilicon Labs 的 Wireless Xpress蓝牙模块提供成熟的软件包么?是开源的么?

    A Silicon Labs提供手机端支持Android和iOS系统开发的BGXpress开发框架与模板,可以参考以下链接:

  • QXpress模块对应的用户端APP开发有没有指导手册或开发指南之类的资料?开发起来有没有什么特殊要求或特征?

    A  Silicon Labs提供手机端支持Android和iOS系统开发的BGXpress开发框架与模板,可以参考以下链接:

  • QSilicon Labs 的 Wireless Xpress蓝牙模块速率能做到多少?

    ABGX supports 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps PHY. The maximum throughput it has achieved is 740 kbps with 2 Mbps PHY.

  • QSilicon Labs 的 Wireless Xpress蓝牙模块在低功耗时电流能达到多少?

    ABGX has a few different power modes.  It can go to an EM2 mode and draw only about 2 uA.  It can also run in lower power mode, cycling in and out of EM2, when a lower baud rate is used. The following document has a section talking about optimization for low power

  • Q无线Xpress BGX模块有哪些封装形式?

    A 12.9X15X2.2MM的PCB模组,6.5x6.5x1.4mm的SiP模组,具体查看:

  • QBluetooth Xpress模块感觉体积太大了,是否有适用于智能穿戴及手机的产品?

    AXpress还有SiP模块供选择, 尺寸为6.5x6.5mm

  • QBluetooth Xpress模块的对外接口有哪些?

    A 只需一个UART接口

  • QBluetooth Xpress模块的工作模式有几种,低功耗上如何解决?

    A 支持正常工作模式和休眠模式,正常模式其中包含待机模式。各种模式下的功耗参数可以查看BGX Datasheet。

  • QBluetooth Xpress模块的传输速率最大是多少?

    A Blutooth 2Mbps PHY支持740 kB/s传输速率

  • QBluetooth Xpress模块对于数据安全传输是如何保障的?

    ABT 5 uses secure connections, the protocol established at 4.2. Bluetooth version 4.2 defined a new process by which keys are exchanged during the bonding process and other improvements in security as well.  BGX follows all those 4.2+ practices. With BGX, all communication is encrypted. We support encrypted communciation. That's the way comm is secure. These security improvements would not be found on older Bluetooth modules.

  • Q蓝牙5G目前主要能做哪些产品贴近家居的


  • QBluetooth Xpress模块BGX13P与BGX13S有何区别?

    A BGX13P采用超小尺寸SiP封装,体积更小。详细比较数据请参考我们的产品网页:

  • QSilicon Labs 的 Wireless Xpress蓝牙模块包括什么样的功能,封装有多少种了?

    A 有两种封装形式,详细数据请参考我们的产品网页:

  • Q开发Bluetooth Xpress模块,需要用到哪些工具和软件,是免费使用的吗?

    ANo charge for any software.  Download Simplicity Studio from our website to get started.  The Bluetooth Xpress evaluation kit is available through distributors. Cost for a board is USD 40.

  • QSilicon Labs 的 Wireless Xpress相对于其它厂家的蓝牙模块是通过什么方式来优化设备与设备的连接了?

    A也适用于 Xpress 与 Xpress 通信

  • QXpress配置器主要是用于手机的蓝牙连接么?

    ABGX can communicate with phones. And we offer the Xpress framework, a library for iOS and android to make Bluetooth connectivity in mobile apps easier to develop.  BGX can also connect to other BGX devices. That’s the other use case.

  • Q蓝牙 Xpress模块有什么特点了?它可以独立使用么?

    A  关于Bluetooth Xpress模块的功能特点,请参考我们官网的相应产品网页: 

  • Q蓝牙 Xpress模块提供开放的代码么?如何快速的用于开发了?

    A No charge for any software. Download Simplicity Studio from our website to get started.

  • Q蓝牙 Xpress模块 支持几种低功耗模式了,它的最高速率能达到多少

    ABGX has a few different power modes.  It can go to an EM2 mode and draw only about 2 uA.  It can also run in lower power mode, cycling in and out of EM2, when a lower baud rate is used. The following document has a section talking about optimization for low power The maximum throughput that BGX has achieved is 740 kbps with 2Mbps PHY.