设计智能手机和平板电脑的附件 2013-07-18 10:00:00
  • Q飞思卡尔现在提供的附件在苹果里面有应用吗?

    Aour solution is for smart phone accessory such as audio docking but not the device used inside the smart phone

  • Q现如今iphone音频附件都采用哪种方式?

    AIt is based on the accessory design. The common is analog speaker dock.

  • Q能否详细介绍下TWR-DOCK?

    APlease visit freescale website and document for more detailed information of TW-DOCK    

  • Q就是苹果自带的耳机,采用哪种音频附件?

    AIt is similar to the analog speaker dock.

  • Q飞思卡尔有提供哪种无线充电吗??

    AWe are developing wireless charging solution based on "Qi" specification

  • Q在哪里可以下载资料啊?

    AYou can visit for related information. The software package can be downloaded form Apple MFi portal

  • Q蓝牙音频以后会不会普及呢?


  • Q在哪里可以下载资料啊?

    Ayou can download MFi related from   for software package, you need to login into MFi portal from Apple for download.

  • Q手机附件和平板电脑附件有哪些不同?

    AThis is no difference in our solution. This is more OS related, such as IOS, Android, or WIn8 etc

  • Q音频模数转换信号进入AD采样后,是直接进入MCU还是用其他IC去处理AD出来的信号?

    AThis depends on the application. MCU can interface to external DAC thru I2S for high quality sound requirement.  For voice quality applications, external DAC may not be needed.

  • Q手机与平板附件的趋势是什么?


  • QMFi软件如何收费?

    AThe MFi softwware is free to download thru the MFi portal

  • Q在哪里可以下载资料啊?

    Ayou can download MFi related from   for software package, you need to login into MFi portal from Apple for download.

  • Q模拟音响底座与数字音响底座哪种应用比较多?


  • QMFi软件有培训教程吗?


  • QMFi软件有培训教程吗?

    AThere are full document on the software and the development system. This can be downloaded in Apple MFi portal.

  • Q飞思卡尔MFi软件都有哪些功能?

    ASupport iSO iAP1 and iAP2 function, and the interfaces include USB and UART.

  • Q可以搞魔音耳机吗?

    Ayes, this is possible

  • Q采样编码过程是否有一定的规范,可否自行规定?

    Aall sampling and codec are following the industrial standard, e.g, mp3 @ 44.1khz, wma @ 96khz/24bit etc, these are well defined

  • Qfreescale有全数字音频解决方案吗?成本如何?
